Pre-Conference Webinar Workshop
on Pulp and Paper Grading Basics

Registration Fees
to be made before 1 October 2021

The registration fee of RM150 (student) or RM300 (others) includes a set of pulp and paper samples, e-book on the workshop content and e-certificate.
The number of participants will be limited to 30 for maximum effectiveness.
The registration fee will not be refunded once paid.
Payment via Vot Transfer: 6440400
The webinar workshop is organized by Laboratory of Biopolymer & Derivatives (BADs), Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products (INTROP, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia)
Special Benefits for Participants
The webinar workshop will provide the participants an overview on the basic understandings on pulp and paper grading which comprises of,
Understand the factors that affect the quality of pulp and paper that leads to paper grading.
Obtain the knowledge on grading certification for pulp and paper.
Impactful information and experience in sharing and discussion session about grades of pulp and paper.
A set of pulp and paper samples.
E-book on the workshop content.
E-certificate of participating the workshop.
About the Workshop
The webinar workshop is scheduled with 2 Sharing Sessions in the morning continued with another Sharing Session and followed by a Discussion Session in the afternoon. Workshop material such as a set of pulp and paper grades will be posted to the participants prior to workshop day. The participants need to complete some homework before attending the workshop to gain better understanding.
Who Should Attend?
The webinar workshop is suitable for both technical or non-technical personnel with an objective to understand the basic of pulp and paper grades.
Learning Outcomes
Participants should be able to:
Understand various types of pulp and paper grades.
Discuss the importance of pulp and paper grades.
Describe the factors that affect the quality of pulp and paper.
Understand the certification grading for pulp and paper.
Additional Information
Any additional information on,
Webinar workshop: kindly contact Dr. Ainun Zuriyati Mohamed via WhatsApp at +6017-2125900.
Registration and payment: kindly contact Mrs. Khaizatul Mazni Khaidir via WhatsApp at +6013-3977010.